This content will be shown in the summary on the main blog page. 2020 has been a year like no other. Early optimism for a fabulous year was soon replaced by one of shock and disbelief. In March we had been able to run three events before the enormity of what was happening hit us and all our subsequent courses were then cancelled until the Autumn . We were extremely grateful that most students opted to defer their bookings to 2021 and to all our tutors who happily swopped their dates for a year ahead. It was very quiet here for a long time! Quiet with very blue skies and no vapour trails!!
Happily, by the summer we were able to run a few mosaic courses which were a good test of our Covid security arrangements and we were able to get back on track, with reduced class numbers, but with confidence, in September and October.
It was such a joy to have the Studio come alive again and everyone was very happy with how we were managing with the restrictions which allowed them to feel safe whilst being creative. We want to thank all our wonderful Tutors who adapted their teaching practices to enable us to remain Covid Secure and we also wish to thank all the Students who embraced all the changes with great willingness and good spirit - everyone was just so grateful to be able to get out again to take part in such events.
After closing again in November, which was a blow, we were fortunately able to run our Christmas wreath workshops in December. Instead of the usual packed party atmosphere of these festive events we rethought it all and booked morning and evening sessions, a week later than normal, for a limited number of wreath makers at a time, and these proved very popular. They were still happy events, just a bit quieter than usual but the wreaths that were made were fantastic.
We must say a big thank you to everyone who has come and supported us during 2020. We appreciate the trust you put in us and I am glad we were able to deliver. We fully understand that many people couldn't come due to age, sheilding, circumstances beyond their control etc but we do hope that eventually 2021 will pick up and turn out to be a much better and brighter year in the end and we look forward to welcoming as many of you back as are able!!
We are continuing to make alterations and additions to the studio to improve our facilities and ensure we can carry on social distancing comfortably for as long as needs be. We will not be eating in the house any more but a new Pantry is currently being constructed, adjacent to the Studio, where we can serve lunches and practice social distance dining too!!
So roll on 2021 - we look forward to the continued challenge and we look forward to seeing as many of you possible over the coming months.